Founded in 1953 by Dr. John R. Christopher
The School of Natural Healing
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Information About Our Courses
The School of Natural Healing offers courses through our five colleges:
Our popular Master Herbalist certification is offered by the College of Herbal Medicine.

We invite you to take some time to explore the courses offered within the colleges, and invite you to contact us if you have any questions.
To learn more about any of our available courses, simply click the link below.

Note: If you would like to receive a detailed catalogue about the courses please click here.

Family Herbalist
The introductory course in our program.  This course is a pre-requisite for the Master Herbalist, Reflexology, Iridology, and Aromatherapy programs.

If you have ever watched or listened to the commercials about prescription drugs and marveled at the number of common side effects, and thought "That's not for me", then this is the course for you.  It teaches you every aspect of Herbology, including identification, horticulture, preparations, herbal chemistry, botany, nutrition, and More.  When you complete these courses, you will be a Certified Master Herbalist through The School of Natural Healing.
The art and science of aromatherapy has been practiced for thousands of years.  Aromatherapy is a fun and exciting way to improve your family's health as well as your own.

Family Homeopathy
Homeopathy is a low-cost, nontoxic system of medicine used by hundreds or millions of people worldwide.  It is particularly effective in treating chronic illnesses that fail to respond to conventional treatment, and is also a superb method of self-care for minor conditions such as the common cold and flu.

Traditional Iridology dates back at least 3,000 years in recorded history. It is based on the study of the iris of the human eye.  The color, fiber structures and various other features seen in the iris reflect the individual's health condition and tendencies.  This is the perfect study for those who want to become independent of the modern health care system.  There are three levels to the Iridology Program: